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Charity | CoochyCoo Personalised Baby Clothes Store
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1 Coochy Coo Bag = 3 warm meals per day

Sponsoring a child is an extremely rewarding way of helping under-privileged children.

Coochy Coo are proud supporters of SOS Children, the world's largest orphan and abandoned children's charity. Coochy Coo currently sponsors 3 children from India and Sri Lanka and we have discovered that there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a disadvantaged little girl or boy grow into an independent and happy person thanks to child sponsorship.


You too can lend your support to enable the children to experience a new family and home and a better quality of life. Believe it or not, just 249 Dhs per month can cover the basic cost of living for one child.


The children live in desperate conditions and they all need our support. Coochy Coo will continue to sponsor these "little angels" and you too can help. For every bag sold, Coochy Coo will donate 3 Dhs to its sponsor children in the SOS childrens' village. Regular updates are received directly from the country of sponsorship and Coochy Coo will keep you updated with pictures of our 'little angels' so that you can see the real impact that your support makes.

To sponsor your own child yourself in addition to your Coochy Coo donation, please visit www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk. If we can encourage more people to sponsor a child, we will be contributing to the future happiness of our "little angels." We hope you will join us in making a difference by helping these children find new hopes and aspirations.


Thanks so much for supporting the "little angels" of the world.


Your Coochy Coo team

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